The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects

The Modern Luxury Exterior and Interior Design Ideas of The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects

These are the pictures of Home Design of The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects.The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects can give you the good inspiration on modern home design that can become the idea in building, decorating, designing or remodeling your house.

The Garren Residence rests on a high desert prairie site and is a very low-slung building, with strong horizontal elements to visually tie the building to the landscape.

Three parallel axis walls orient the house toward prominent views and define outdoor rooms expanding the small footprint into the landscape. The structure features a central void that further integrates the exterior and interior. This void delivers natural light to the basement rooms as well as provides a private exterior gathering space in the center of the house. PIQUE Architects

Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions

The Inspiration of best home house design from Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions

What a wonderful Home Architectural Design! These are the sample pictures of parts of Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions. The pictures show the beauty of the shape of this architectural building. The nuance of blue is chosen because this house is built near the sea Shore. The romantic situation is felt with the blue nuance of this home environment.

This twofold house is located on one of Bergen�s most attractive sites overlooking the southern fjords and the West coast archipelago. The main facade of the house faces south to the ocean while the balcony offers stunning views to the south and west. It�s a long thin shape with a balcony extruding 6m out of the house that rests on 3 steel poles. The house�s clad is a black stained wood with natural wood between the window partitions. The top floor is for the parents and the bottom for their two children that are university students. There is a small 35m2 guest studio on the bottom floor. The absence of any adjacent houses allowed the exclusive use of glass for exterior construction. Thanks to that the bathroom has beautiful views of surrounds. [Saunders Architecture]

Indian Art Deco House Design � Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects

The Charming exterior and Interior Design of Indian Art Deco House Design � Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects - The Best Home Design Ideas of this Year

Enjoy the beauty of modern luxury home exterior and interior design with the best furniture of Indian Art Deco House Design � Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects! This house design is really amazing. This home design can become the idea of how to design a house perfectly.

This residence was designed by U+B Architects in an Art Deco style deeply influenced by the traditions and environment of Marrakesh. The materials and colors link the house to the surrounding architecture and landscape while deep overhangs protect from the hot sun and provide generous outdoor living spaces. Thanks to the climate house�s painting is in contrast with green grass around it all year long. A lot of exterior�s and interior�s elements are exclusive craftsmanship by local artists. Decorative finishes of the home include: custom patterned and colored terrazzo floors, hand cut mosaic tile work and hand-wrought iron doors and handrails. [U+B Architects]

Even though the house�s design is quite typical for this Indian region it isn�t typical for u+b architects, which usually design contemporary homes.

Pictures of Girls Bedrooms Interior Design decoration Ideas by Halley Junior

Pictures of Girls Bedrooms Interior Design decoration Ideas by Halley Junior

Girls bedrooms design in this picture inspire us to redecorate and remodel the existing brdoorms.

One of the most pretty themes for girls bedroom is hearts. Different items with nice shape of heart could become a charming decorations of any girls room. If you also think so then you might like new Batticore collection by Italian company Halley Junior. This collection consists of beds with high curved headboards, wardrobes, sideboards, study desks and other furniture which can be useful in a kids room. The bed comes with a wonderful bedspread and cushions of different sizes and shapes. Almost all elements of this furniture are enriched by hearts and some of them are even made in heart�s shape. With such furniture you could create an awesome girls room designs amazing by tenderness and beauty. More information about these hearts themed bedrooms you could find on Halley junior site.

Modern Luxury Sliding Shower Doors Glass Desigs

The Pictures of Home Interior design can be seen in this site. You can find the idea or inspiration on house or home design here.

The Sample Pictures of modern luxury Sliding Shower Doors Glass Remodeling Ideas are specially displayed for the high demand of Sliding Shower Doors Glass Designs recently. The designs are inspired by the latest ideas of shower sliding doors glass. The materials used are chosen from the high quality that will last long. Are you interested in one of the designs? if so, you must get the highly demanded product. Make sure that one the best designs displayed becomes your first choice and becomes the latest collection of bathroom interior decoration and furniture.

Photos of Real Estate Interior Design Trend Ideas 2010

These sample pictures are the modern contemporary interior designs of A Real Estate. It is a representative interior design of a real estate that can give the ideas of onterior design of building such as home, motel, or other apartments.

Kids Loft Bed Plans with Beautiful Designs and Remodeling

Are you planning a bedroom for your children? Here are the sample pictures of kids loft beds that can become the ideas of redecorating, remodeling or renovating your kids bedroom.

The best sample photos of Kids Loft Bed Plans with Beautiful Designs and Remodeling look so nice and cool and can make any kids stay comfortably and happily since the designs are inspired by the kids� world imagination. It can be seen from the choice of the color,materials used, cover beds,pillows, and other related materials creating the compact design of kids loft beds. Make sure that you have one of the sample designs of kids loft bed plans and designs displayed. Creating soon one of the kids loft bed plans and designs is the indication of parents that really care of kids favor.